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Integrated Management System

- Integrated Management System (IMS) -

Environmental, Social Accountability, and Social Responsibility

  1. Scope and Objectives
  • Clearly define the scope of the management system, including the environmental, social accountability, and social responsibility aspects.
  • Set specific objectives aligned with the standards' requirements and the organization's goals, ensuring a commitment to continual improvement.
  1. Leadership and Commitment
  • Demonstrate top management's commitment to the integrated management system and its principles.
  • Establish a management representative or responsible person to oversee the system's implementation, maintenance, and performance.
  1. Policy Development
  • Develop comprehensive policies reflecting the organization's commitment to environmental protection, social accountability, and social responsibility.
  • Ensure alignment with ISO 14001, SA8000, and ISO 26000 requirements and relevant legal and regulatory obligations.
  1. Planning and Risk Management
  • Identify and assess the organization's environmental aspects, social risks, and opportunities, considering stakeholder expectations and legal requirements.
  • Develop plans to address significant environmental impacts, social risks, and opportunities, including pollution prevention, resource conservation, worker safety, fair labor practices, and community engagement.
  1. Implementation and Operation
  • Establish clear roles, responsibilities, and authorities within the organization to facilitate effective implementation of the management system.
  • Provide adequate resources, including personnel, training, and infrastructure, to support the system's implementation and operation.
  • Communicate the policies, objectives, and procedures to all employees and stakeholders, promoting awareness and participation.
  1. Performance Monitoring and Measurement
  • Develop a robust monitoring and measurement framework to track performance against the identified objectives, targets, and key performance indicators (KPIs).
  • Conduct regular internal audits and management reviews to assess the effectiveness and suitability of the integrated management system.
  1. Compliance and Legal Requirements
  • Establish processes to identify and monitor compliance with applicable environmental regulations, labor laws, and social responsibility standards.
  • Maintain a register of relevant legal and other requirements, ensuring their fulfillment and timely updates.
  1. Continual Improvement
  • Foster a culture of continual improvement by encouraging employee engagement, innovation, and proactive initiatives.
  • Regularly review performance data, audit findings, and feedback to identify opportunities for enhancement in environmental management, social accountability, and social responsibility practices.
  1. External Stakeholder Engagement
  • Engage with external stakeholders, including local communities, customers, suppliers, and regulatory bodies, to gain input, address concerns, and foster transparency and collaboration.
  1. Reporting and Communication
  • Develop a communication plan for internal and external stakeholders, sharing relevant information on the organization's environmental performance, social accountability, and social responsibility initiatives.
  • Prepare periodic reports adhering to recognized reporting frameworks (e.g., Global Reporting Initiative) to provide transparent disclosure of key performance indicators and progress toward targets.
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